Beauty Foods – Natural Skin Care Products – Home Remedies

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Today’s world. As thankful as we are for a few things, like having a never-ending supply of information available to us at our very fingertips, we’ve got to call a spade a spade and admit to its flaws as well!

Chemical laden products are absolutely inescapable and run rampant, masquerading as hair and skincare products even trickling down to creating its inconspicuous presence in the very food we eat!

Unfortunately since the idea of ditching the civilized world and cave-manning it in some distant forest isn’t exactly appealing – here’s a small start!
Toss out the chemicals, because these natural replacements are as close as your kitchen closet and wayyy kinder to your wallet!
So get at it girl!

Love and Fresh Faces,
Faarah D (Nutrition and Wellness Editor, Glamrs)


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